ClipDragon Menus ABOUT MENU About ClipDragon This menu item will display a window telling your just about everything you want to know about ClipDragon and its makers. FILE MENU Convert… ⌘O This menu option will present a dialog to select a document to be converted. The resulting document will replace the original if the original is a ClipDragon supported document. If the document is supported by the Translation Manager it will be treated as a “Convert As…” selection. Convert As… ⌘S This menu option works much as the standard Convert menu item, except that a second dialog is presented to select a new name and/or location for the converted file. Preferences… ⌘; This menu option will present the Preferences Dialog previously discussed. Quit ⌘Q This menu option will exit ClipDragon. EDIT MENU This menu is available only when using the text fields of the Preferences dialog.